ScanAgile 2015 submissions are open!
You can read the whole call for sessions here. You will find the submission form in that page as well.
For me the most interesting tracks are:
- Off-Piste: interesting lessons learned about being agile and agile related topics, from other industries
- Black Piste: Topics for experienced agile practitioners
These are just some of the tracks. In Scan Agile there will also be tracks for those starting up or that have already started but are in the early phases of their Agile transformation journey.
The Agile Finland Community is very active and has a long history of agile adoption and promotion. They have some of the most advanced practitioners in the world, so I am really looking forward to see who the Scan Agile team chooses for the 2015 lineup of the conference!
Hope to see many of you there!
Labels: agile, call for sessions, conference, kanban, lean, personal kanban, scan-agile

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Anybody out side from Finland can apply for these submissions.
Anne Williams, at November 04, 2014 12:30 PM
i am impressed to Agile Finland Community.
pravin dwivedi, at January 13, 2015 1:52 PM
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