LESS goes Stockholm for LESS2011, join us there in October

Last year I was involved in the organization of a unique conference. LESS2010 was a unique conference because it brought together different communities. We wanted to make sure that people with different points of view would discuss those points of view. The aim was to create a space for sharing ideas from different communities in the hope that new ideas would emerge. And emerge they did!
When the conference was done we had brought together the academic community which is involved in researching Agile adoption in the real world; the Agile community that is day-in-day-out applying Agile ideas in their own places of work; the Lean community and finally the Beyond Budgeting community that is sharing novel ways to manage and lead companies. This year we are doing the same, only better!
LESS goes Stockholm for LESS2011
You can check the details of the conference in the web-site, but here's a hint. We are working again on bringing different communities together!
The tracks that we have chosen are around the topics of Agile, Lean, Beyond Budgeting, Complexity Sciences, Systems Thinking and one topic that we deal with every day: Organization Transformation.
This year the trend is even more clear that LESS2011 is a conference for leaders in R&D organizations. Perhaps the only leadership focused conference in Europe at this point.
I do hope that more of these start happening because that's the next frontier for Agile and Lean adoption in our places of work.
So, I encourage you to submit a paper/session to the conference. Being there and talking to the the people with the experience and ideas is very important for us to continue our day-to-day work with new ideas and fresh energy!
See you in Stockholm!
Labels: agile, beyond budgeting, complexity, conference, knowledge, lean, learn, learning, systems thinking

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